Is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) the Right Therapy Treatment For You?
“It’s hard to be happy without a life worth living. This is a fundamental tenet of DBT. Of course, all lives […]
“It’s hard to be happy without a life worth living. This is a fundamental tenet of DBT. Of course, all lives […]
Normal eating is being able to use some moderate constraint in your food selection to get the right food, but not being so restrictive that you miss out on pleasurable foods.
ED’s therefore entail extreme emotions, urges, attitudes, and behaviors that focus obsessively on weight, body, and/or food issues as an attempt to regulate and cope with unprocessed emotions and experiences.
Growing up, how often were you rewarded – or bribed – with food for good behavior?
Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are serious psychiatric illness, not unlike anxiety and depression. Individuals who suffer from one of these disorders use food in unhealthy ways to cope with difficult emotions and life situations.
Hate dieting? Then this may be the best blog post you have ever read!
The sun is finally out and for most of us that means lazy days by the pool, beach vacations, or family fun day at the lake. Unfortunately, for many of us, that also means increased anxiety and worry about that “beach body” ….